Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

The 8-8-8 Rule: A Path to Balanced Living

The 8-8-8 rule is a practical guideline for creating a balanced and fulfilling life. You can cultivate a healthier relationship with your time by allocating equal time to work, rest, and personal pursuits. Embrace this simple yet powerful framework to unlock your potential, enhance your well-being, and lead a more harmonious life.

Image by: Vicky Sim


In our fast-paced world, finding balance can often feel elusive. The 8-8-8 rule is a simple yet effective framework for structuring your day to promote well-being and productivity. This rule divides a 24-hour day into three equal parts of eight hours each: work, rest, and personal time. Here’s how it works and why it can benefit your overall health.

1. Eight Hours of Work

The first segment of the 8-8-8 rule focuses on dedicated work time. Whether you’re engaged in a traditional job, freelancing, or pursuing personal projects, this period is about maximising productivity. Here are some tips for effective work hours:

  • Set Clear Goals: Start each workday with a clear list of priorities to help you stay focused.

  • Take Breaks: Implement the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break to recharge.

  • Limit Distractions: Create a workspace that minimises interruptions, allowing for deeper concentration.

2. Eight Hours of Rest

Rest is crucial for both mental and physical health. This segment encourages a proper balance of sleep and downtime. Here’s how to make the most of your rest hours:

  • Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to enhance cognitive function and overall well-being.

  • Engage in Relaxation: Use this time for activities that rejuvenate you, such as reading, meditating, or practising yoga.

  • Unplug: Limit screen time before bed to improve sleep quality, fostering a more restful environment.

3. Eight Hours of Personal Time

The final eight hours are dedicated to personal interests, relationships, and self-care. This is vital for maintaining emotional balance and fulfilment. Here are ways to maximise your personal time:

  • Pursue Hobbies: Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument.

  • Connect with Loved Ones: Spend quality time with family and friends to strengthen relationships and nurture your social well-being.

  • Self-Care: Allocate time for self-care practices, such as exercise, journaling, or simply enjoying solitude.

The Benefits of the 8-8-8 Rule

  1. Improved Work-Life Balance: By structuring your day into three distinct segments, you create a clearer separation between work and personal life, reducing burnout.

  2. Enhanced Productivity: Focusing on work in a dedicated time frame can boost efficiency and creativity, making you less likely to feel overwhelmed.

  3. Better Mental Health: Prioritizing rest and personal time fosters emotional resilience and overall happiness, reducing stress and anxiety.

  4. Holistic Well-Being: This balanced approach encourages a well-rounded lifestyle, promoting physical, mental, and emotional health.

Embrace the 8-8-8 Rule

The 8-8-8 rule is a practical guideline for creating a balanced and fulfilling life. You can cultivate a healthier relationship with your time by allocating equal time to work, rest, and personal pursuits. Embrace this simple yet powerful framework to unlock your potential, enhance your well-being, and lead a more harmonious life.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Pay Yourself First: A Key to Financial and Personal Wellness

The "Pay Yourself First" strategy is not only essential for financial health but also a powerful tool for personal well-being. By prioritizing savings and self-care before other commitments, you create a strong foundation for both financial security and personal happiness. Embrace this approach with discipline and consistency, and watch how both your wealth and wellness flourish.

Jess Bailey


This week, I've been reflecting on the principle of "Pay Yourself First" and its impact on financial and personal well-being. Just as prioritising financial savings is crucial, applying the same strategy to our wellness can be transformative. For me, adopting the simple but powerful key of "consistency" has made a significant difference.

As a busy professional and mother, I've found that when I prioritise myself, everything else falls into place more smoothly. My mind becomes sharper and more focused on work, my patience and empathy towards my children improve, and my nervous system feels much calmer. Whilst I am certainly not a financial advisor, below are some tips I have implemented and adopted - many of which you would have come across before.

What Does "Pay Yourself First" Mean?

In financial terms, "Pay Yourself First" means setting aside a portion of your income for savings or investments before dealing with other expenses. This approach treats savings as a non-negotiable expense, like mortgage payments or utilities. By automating your savings, you ensure that you consistently build wealth and prepare for future needs.

Why is This Strategy Effective?

  1. Consistency Builds Wealth: Regularly saving and investing, even in small amounts, takes advantage of compounding interest, which can lead to significant growth over time.

  2. Reduces Temptation to Spend: By saving and investing first, you limit the money available for discretionary spending, which helps prevent impulsive purchases and keeps your savings intact.

  3. Prioritises Financial Goals: Paying yourself first helps you stay focused on long-term financial goals, such as retirement or building an emergency fund, aligning your spending with your financial priorities.

How to Implement the "Pay Yourself First" Strategy

  1. Set Clear Savings Goals: Identify what you want to achieve with your savings, whether it’s an emergency fund, a home down payment, or retirement.

  2. Automate Your Savings: Set up automatic transfers to your savings or investment accounts. This ensures that your savings are prioritised and kept from chance.

  3. Budget Wisely: Incorporate your savings goals into your budget as fixed expenses. Treating savings as a priority helps keep it alongside other essential costs.

  4. Start Small: If you’re new to this strategy, begin with a small percentage of your income and gradually increase it. Even modest, regular savings can grow significantly over time.

  5. Review and Adjust: Regularly check your savings plan to ensure it aligns with your goals. Adjust the amount you save or invest as your financial situation evolves.

Applying "Pay Yourself First" to Your Wellness Routine

  1. Consistency Builds Health: Just as with finances, setting aside a small portion of time each day (or twice a day) for wellness can have huge benefits. Whether a morning walk and/or a short workout at lunchtime, regular activities help reduce stress, improve concentration, and boost overall health and compounds in other areas.

  2. Reduces Anxiety: Prioritising time for yourself helps you recharge and reduce anxiety. By investing in your well-being first, you fill your own "bucket," making you better equipped to handle stress and support others.

  3. Focuses on Wellbeing Goals: Paying yourself first in terms of wellness allows you to concentrate on long-term health goals like better nutrition, stronger social connections, and a balanced lifestyle.

  4. Set Clear and Simple Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your wellness routine. It could be daily exercise, muscle strengthening, meal planning, or simply finding more calm in your day.

  5. Automate Your Routine: Block out dedicated times for wellness activities in your schedule. This helps you stay consistent and avoid making excuses when life gets busy and things go awry.

  6. Start Small and Compartmentalise: If you're new to this approach, start with manageable blocks of time and gradually increase as you adjust. Even small, consistent efforts can lead to significant improvements.

  7. Review and Adjust: Periodically reassess your wellness routine to ensure it meets your evolving needs. Be flexible and adjust your plan as necessary, giving yourself grace as you adapt to new circumstances.

Feel the benefits

I have found the "Pay Yourself First" strategy is not only essential for financial health but also a powerful tool for my personal well-being. By prioritising savings and self-care before other commitments, I have created a strong foundation for financial security and personal happiness. Embrace this approach with discipline and consistency, and watch your wealth and wellness flourish.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Navigating Life's Waters: The Sailboat Metaphor for Personal Growth

Life often feels like a journey across vast and unpredictable waters. The sailboat metaphor beautifully captures this experience, offering a powerful framework for understanding personal growth, challenges, and resilience. Just as a sailboat navigates the open sea, adjusting its sails to catch the wind and steering through both calm and stormy weather, we too must navigate the currents of our lives, making adjustments along the way to stay on course.

Image by: Sonja Langford


Life often feels like a journey across vast and unpredictable waters. The sailboat metaphor beautifully captures this experience, offering a powerful framework for understanding personal growth, challenges, and resilience. Just as a sailboat navigates the open sea, adjusting its sails to catch the wind and steering through both calm and stormy weather, we too must navigate the currents of our lives, making adjustments along the way to stay on course.

The Sailboat as a Symbol of Self

Imagine yourself as a sailboat, each part representing a different aspect of your being. The hull of the boat symbolizes your core—the essence of who you are, your values, and your beliefs. This sturdy foundation is what keeps you afloat, even in the roughest seas. The sails represent your goals, ambitions, and the energy you put into moving forward in life. They capture the wind, which symbolizes external forces like opportunities, challenges, and changes that influence your journey.

The rudder of the sailboat is your decision-making ability, guiding you in the direction you wish to go. It allows you to steer toward your desired destination, whether that’s personal happiness, professional success, or meaningful relationships. The compass, often found on a sailboat, represents your inner guidance—your intuition, wisdom, and sense of purpose. Together, these elements create a complete vessel, equipped to journey through the unpredictable waters of life.

Adjusting the Sails: Embracing Change and Challenges

One of the most critical aspects of sailing is knowing how to adjust the sails to catch the wind. In life, this translates to being adaptable and flexible in the face of change. Winds can shift suddenly, just as circumstances in life can change without warning. A skilled sailor doesn’t fight against the wind but rather adjusts the sails to harness its power and move forward.

Similarly, personal growth requires us to embrace change, even when it’s uncomfortable. Challenges, setbacks, and unexpected events are like storms at sea—they can be daunting, but they also present opportunities for growth. By adjusting our sails—our mindset, approach, and actions—we can navigate through these storms and come out stronger on the other side.

The Rudder and the Compass: Staying True to Your Course

While the wind may push you in different directions, it’s the rudder that helps you stay on course. In life, this represents your ability to make conscious decisions that align with your values and goals. The rudder requires a steady hand, just as we need focus and determination to steer our lives in the right direction.

Your inner compass—your intuition and sense of purpose—guides these decisions. It helps you stay true to your course, even when the waters are rough or the destination seems far away. Trusting this inner guidance is essential for navigating life’s challenges and maintaining a sense of direction.

Anchoring in Calm Waters: The Importance of Rest and Reflection

Every sailor knows the importance of finding calm waters to anchor in, to rest and reflect before continuing the journey. In life, these moments of stillness are equally crucial. Taking time to pause, reflect on your progress, and recharge your energy is vital for sustained personal growth.

Anchoring doesn’t mean stopping; it’s about finding a safe space to regain your strength and clarity before setting sail again. It’s in these moments that you can assess your journey, make any necessary adjustments, and prepare for the next leg of the voyage.

The Journey, Not the Destination

Ultimately, the sailboat metaphor reminds us that life is about the journey, not just the destination. Each wave, gust of wind, and change in the weather contributes to your growth and resilience. The journey shapes who you are and how you navigate the world. Embracing this perspective allows you to find meaning and fulfillment, regardless of where the winds take you.

So, as you continue on your journey, remember to adjust your sails, trust your rudder and compass, and take time to anchor in calm waters. Life’s seas are vast and unpredictable, but with the right mindset and tools, you can navigate them with grace and purpose.

Concept credit:

Alberts, H.J.E.M. (2016). The Sailboat. Maastricht: Positive Psychology Program.

The author wishes to thank Lisa Sansom, Rene Brauer, Julian Bradley, Barbara Kuiters, Kim van

Oorsouw, Laurens Alberts and Dorien Hodiamont for their valuable comments and suggestions.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Navigating the Seasons of Change in Life

Life’s seasons of change are inevitable, but they are also opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing each season—its gifts and challenges alike—we can navigate the journey of life with greater wisdom and fulfillment.

Life is a journey marked by constant change. Just as the earth moves through its seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter—so do our lives, shifting through various stages, each bringing challenges, growth opportunities, and transformations. Navigating these seasons of change is necessary and an art requiring resilience, adaptability, and a deep understanding of oneself.

Spring: The Season of Renewal

Spring symbolises new beginnings in life. It is a time of renewal, growth, and fresh starts. This season may manifest as a new job, a move to a different city, the start of a new relationship, or even a new mindset. Spring is invigorating, filled with the excitement of possibilities.

However, the promise of spring can also be overwhelming. The abundance of opportunities may bring uncertainty or fear of the unknown. During this season, embracing the energy of renewal is essential while staying grounded. Setting clear intentions, being open to learning, and nurturing the seeds of new endeavours with patience and care are crucial. As gardeners tend to young plants, we must also tend to our aspirations, knowing that growth takes time.

Summer: The Season of Abundance

Summer represents a period of flourishing. In this season of life, the seeds planted in spring begin to bear fruit. It is a time of abundance, productivity, and enjoyment. Successes are realised, relationships deepen, and there is often a sense of stability and fulfilment.

Yet, summer also brings its challenges. The heat of maintaining success can be exhausting, leading to burnout if not appropriately managed. It's easy to become complacent or overly focused on maintaining the status quo. To navigate the summer of life, it’s essential to find balance—celebrate achievements and remain mindful of self-care and continuous growth. Remember that even in times of abundance, the next season is always approaching.

Autumn: The Season of Transition

Autumn is a time of transition and reflection. The days grow shorter, and the air cools, signalling the end of one cycle and the preparation for another. Autumn might come as a career change, children leaving home, the end of a relationship, or aging. It’s a season of letting go, where we must release what no longer serves us to make space for the new.

Navigating Autumn requires introspection and acceptance. It’s a time to harvest the lessons from summer and reflect on what truly matters. Change can be bittersweet, filled with nostalgia and loss, but it’s also a powerful period of transformation. By embracing the natural cycle of endings, we open ourselves to new beginnings.

Winter: The Season of Rest and Reflection

Winter is often perceived as a season of dormancy and stillness, yet it is also a time of rest, reflection, and inner work. In life, winter might be a period of isolation, grief, or deep introspection. It’s a time when external achievements take a backseat to internal growth.

Winter can be challenging, especially if it feels long and cold. But it’s also a season of profound learning. In this quiet, we can connect with our innermost selves, gain clarity, and prepare for spring's renewal. Winter teaches us the importance of rest and the value of resilience. It’s a reminder that life’s most significant growth often happens beneath the surface.

Embracing the Cycles

Understanding that life moves in cycles allows us to navigate changes with greater ease. Each season has its purpose and beauty, even in its challenges. By accepting the ebb and flow of life, we can find peace in the transitions.

One key to navigating these seasons is adaptability. Just as we adjust our wardrobes and activities to suit the weather, we must also adapt our attitudes and actions to align with life’s seasons. Reframing and being flexible, patience and a willingness to evolve is essential.

Another key is resilience. Life’s seasons can be unpredictable, and sometimes we face storms that shake us to our core. Building resilience—through self-care, strong relationships, and a positive mindset—helps us weather these storms and emerge stronger.

Finally, cultivating mindfulness allows us to experience each season fully. By staying present, we can appreciate the beauty of spring’s renewal, the warmth of summer’s abundance, the reflection of fall’s transition, and the quiet wisdom of winter. Mindfulness helps us to navigate change with grace, finding meaning and purpose in every phase of life.

Flow with the seasons.

Life’s seasons of change are inevitable but also opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing each season—its gifts and challenges alike—we can navigate life's journey with greater wisdom and fulfilment. Whether we are planting seeds in spring, basking in the abundance of summer, reflecting in autumn, or resting in winter, each season has something valuable to offer. We can turn life’s changes into a beautiful and harmonious journey with resilience, adaptability, and mindfulness.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Discovering Ikigai: The Japanese Concept of Purpose and Fulfillment

Ikigai offers a profound and enriching framework for discovering purpose and fulfilment in life. By aligning your passions, talents, values, and societal needs, you can uncover a deep sense of purpose and joy.

In the quest for a meaningful life, many people find themselves searching for purpose, balance, and joy. One of the most profound and insightful concepts for achieving this is "Ikigai," a Japanese term that roughly translates to "reason for being" or "purpose in life." Rooted in Japanese culture, Ikigai offers a holistic approach to finding fulfillment and joy by aligning your passions, talents, values, and the needs of the world. Here’s a deep dive into what Ikigai is, why it matters, and how you can discover your own Ikigai.

What is Ikigai?

1. Understanding Ikigai: Ikigai (生き甲斐) is derived from two Japanese words: "iki" (life) and "gai" (value or worth). Together, they represent the idea of finding value in life and experiencing a deep sense of purpose. It’s often depicted as a Venn diagram with four overlapping circles:

  • What You Love: Activities or pursuits that bring you joy and passion.

  • What You Are Good At: Skills and talents you excel in.

  • What the World Needs: Contributions that address societal or community needs.

  • What You Can Be Paid For: Work or services for which you can earn a living.

The intersection of these four elements is where Ikigai resides—a sweet spot where passion, profession, mission, and vocation meet.

2. The Importance of Ikigai: Finding your Ikigai can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. It helps you align your personal and professional activities with your deeper values and aspirations. When you live in accordance with your Ikigai, you experience greater satisfaction, motivation, and overall well-being.

The Benefits of Finding Your Ikigai

  1. Enhanced Fulfillment: Discovering your Ikigai can lead to a deeper sense of fulfilment and satisfaction. When your daily activities align with your core values and passions, you’re more likely to feel content and purposeful.

  2. Increased Motivation: Knowing your Ikigai provides a strong sense of direction and motivation. It helps you stay focused on what truly matters to you and inspires you to pursue your goals with enthusiasm.

  3. Improved Well-being: A life aligned with Ikigai is often associated with better mental and emotional health. It can reduce stress, increase happiness, and foster a sense of overall well-being.

  4. Greater Resilience: When you have a clear sense of purpose, you’re better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks. Your Ikigai serves as a source of strength and resilience during difficult times.

How to Discover Your Ikigai

  1. Self-Reflection: Start by reflecting on your passions, talents, values, and what you feel the world needs. Ask yourself questions such as:

    • What activities make me lose track of time because I enjoy them so much?

    • What skills or talents do I have that others often compliment?

    • What issues or needs in the world resonate with me?

    • What work or activities would I be willing to do even if I weren’t paid?

  2. Explore Your Passions: Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment. Experiment with new hobbies, volunteer opportunities, or creative projects to uncover what you truly love.

  3. Assess Your Skills: Identify your strengths and talents. Consider taking personality or skill assessments to gain insights into your abilities and how they align with your passions.

  4. Identify Societal Needs: Reflect on the needs or issues in your community or the world you are passionate about addressing. Consider how your skills and passions could contribute to solving these problems.

  5. Evaluate Financial Viability: Consider turning your passions and skills into a sustainable livelihood. Explore career opportunities, side hustles, or entrepreneurial ventures that align with your Ikigai.

  6. Seek Feedback: Talk to trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues about your ideas and aspirations. Their feedback can provide valuable perspectives and help you refine your sense of purpose.

  7. Set Goals: Create actionable goals that align with your Ikigai. Develop a plan to integrate your passions and talents into your daily life and career. Take small, incremental steps towards achieving your goals.

  8. Stay Open and Adapt: Finding your Ikigai is an ongoing process. Be open to exploring new interests, adapting your goals, and evolving your sense of purpose over time.

Real-Life Examples of Ikigai

  1. Hiroshi Yamauchi: The former president of Nintendo, Hiroshi Yamauchi, found his Ikigai in transforming a small playing card company into a global leader in entertainment. His passion for innovation and understanding of market needs guided his journey.

  2. Marie Kondo: The renowned tidying expert and author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” Marie Kondo discovered her Ikigai through her love for organising and helping others find joy in their possessions.

  3. Jane Goodall: Renowned primatologist Jane Goodall’s Ikigai lies in her dedication to wildlife conservation and understanding animal behaviour. Her work reflects her passion, skills, and commitment to addressing environmental and ethical issues.

Ready to embrace Ikigai?

Ikigai offers a profound and enriching framework for discovering purpose and fulfilment in life. By aligning your passions, talents, values, and societal needs, you can uncover a deep sense of purpose and joy. Embracing the journey of finding your Ikigai not only enhances your own life but also allows you to contribute meaningfully to the world around you.

As you embark on this journey, remember that discovering your Ikigai is a personal and evolving process. Be patient, stay curious, and allow yourself the freedom to explore and grow. In doing so, you’ll uncover a sense of purpose that brings meaning, satisfaction, and a greater sense of connection to your life and the world.

Curious to learn more?

Collect a copy of the book: Mitsuhashi, Y. (2018). Ikigai: Giving every day meaning and joy. Kyle Books and Héctor García and Francesc Miralles’ 2016 book, Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

The Art of Wonder: How Marvelling at Life's Mysteries Can Enrich Your Existence

Allow yourself to be captivated by the extraordinary, whether it’s the natural world, human creativity, or the simple joys of everyday existence

Life can get a little foggy sometimes. Yet, the ability to wonder and marvel at the world is more than just a fleeting feeling; it’s a profound practice that can deeply enrich our lives. Embracing wonder can rekindle our sense of curiosity, enhance our appreciation for life, and foster a more fulfilling and joyful existence. Here’s why the art of wonder is essential and how you can incorporate it into your daily life.

Understanding Wonder

1. The Nature of Wonder: Wonder is a powerful emotion characterized by awe, admiration, and curiosity. It often arises when we encounter something extraordinary or when we reflect on the mysteries of life. This feeling can be triggered by natural beauty, human creativity, or even the simple acts of everyday life.

2. The Benefits of Wonder: Experiencing wonder has numerous psychological and emotional benefits. It can:

  • Enhance Emotional Well-being: Feeling awe can lead to increased happiness and satisfaction. It helps us appreciate the beauty and complexity of life, fostering a positive outlook.

  • Boost Creativity: Wonder stimulates creativity and imagination. It encourages us to think outside the box and explore new ideas and possibilities.

  • Foster Connection: Sharing moments of wonder with others can strengthen relationships and create a sense of shared experience and connection.

The Science Behind Wonder

Research into the psychology of wonder reveals its impact on our mental and emotional states:

  • Reduction in Stress: Studies show that experiencing awe can lower stress levels and reduce the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.

  • Increased Life Satisfaction: People who regularly experience wonder report higher levels of life satisfaction and a greater sense of purpose.

  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Wonder can improve cognitive functioning by encouraging curiosity and engagement with the world around us.

Ways to Cultivate a Sense of Wonder

  1. Explore Nature: Nature is a profound source of wonder. Spend time in natural settings, whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply observing the stars. Notice the intricate details and vastness of the natural world.

  2. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness helps you become more aware of the present moment and the wonders within it. Engage in mindful observation, paying attention to the textures, colors, and sensations of your surroundings.

  3. Engage with Art and Creativity: Art, music, and literature often evoke wonder. Attend a concert, visit an art gallery, or immerse yourself in a book. Allow yourself to be moved by the creativity and expression of others.

  4. Learn and Discover: Embrace a curious mindset and seek out new knowledge and experiences. Explore new hobbies, learn about different cultures, or delve into subjects that intrigue you. The pursuit of knowledge often uncovers new sources of wonder.

  5. Reflect on the Extraordinary: Take time to reflect on the extraordinary aspects of everyday life. Consider the complexity of human relationships, the marvels of technology, or the intricacies of the universe. Contemplating these wonders can deepen your appreciation for life.

  6. Create Moments of Awe: Deliberately create opportunities for wonder in your life. This could be through travel, trying new activities, or setting aside time for introspection. Seek out experiences that inspire awe and admiration.

  7. Share Your Wonder: Share your experiences of wonder with others. Whether through conversation, storytelling, or social media, expressing and discussing your sense of wonder can inspire and uplift those around you.

Real-Life Examples of Wonder

  1. Scientific Discoveries: The discovery of cosmic phenomena, such as black holes or the Hubble Deep Field, can evoke profound awe and wonder. These revelations remind us of the vastness and complexity of the universe.

  2. Artistic Achievements: Masterpieces of art, whether classic or contemporary, often elicit wonder through their beauty and emotional impact. For instance, Van Gogh’s "Starry Night" continues to captivate viewers with its swirling, expressive depiction of the night sky.

  3. Natural Phenomena: Natural events, such as witnessing a solar eclipse, seeing the Northern Lights, or observing the intricate patterns of a snowflake, offer awe-inspiring moments that connect us with the grandeur of nature.

What did you come here for?

The art of wonder is a vital component of a rich and fulfilling life. By embracing the marvels around us and cultivating a sense of curiosity and admiration, we can enhance our emotional well-being, boost our creativity, and deepen our connection with the world. In a world often focused on the mundane and routine, taking time to marvel at life’s mysteries can offer profound joy and fulfillment.

So, take a moment to pause and reflect on the wonders of your life. Allow yourself to be captivated by the extraordinary, whether it’s the natural world, human creativity, or the simple joys of everyday existence. In doing so, you’ll not only enrich your own life but also inspire those around you to discover and appreciate the beauty and wonder that surrounds us all.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Embrace Simplicity: How Keeping It Simple Can Lead to the Time of Your Life

What can you notice around you? How much do you care about the people around you? Keep it simple with mindfullness and virtues

In a world that often glorifies complexity and multitasking, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of doing more and achieving more. Yet, sometimes the most profound joys and fulfilling experiences come from embracing simplicity. By focusing on what truly matters and stripping away unnecessary complications, we can unlock a richer, more meaningful life. Here’s how keeping it simple can lead to the time of your life.

The Beauty of Simplicity

1. Clarity and Focus: Simplicity brings clarity. When we simplify our lives, we cut through the noise and focus on what’s truly important. This clarity allows us to prioritize our time and energy on activities and relationships that bring us joy and fulfillment.

2. Reduced Stress: Complicated schedules and cluttered environments can contribute to stress and anxiety. By simplifying our routines and surroundings, we create a more peaceful and manageable environment, which can lead to improved mental well-being.

3. Increased Enjoyment: When we simplify our lives, we can fully engage in the present moment. This mindfulness enables us to savor experiences more deeply and enjoy life’s simple pleasures, leading to a more satisfying and enjoyable life.

How to Keep It Simple and Have the Time of Your Life

  1. Prioritize What Matters: Take stock of what truly matters to you. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, pursuing a passion, or simply relaxing, focus your time and energy on these priorities. Let go of activities and commitments that don’t align with your core values.

  2. Declutter Your Space: A cluttered environment can lead to a cluttered mind. Simplify your physical space by removing items you no longer need or use. A clean and organized environment can enhance your sense of peace and focus.

  3. Simplify Your Schedule: Evaluate your commitments and eliminate those that don’t add value to your life. Create a schedule that balances work, relaxation, and leisure. Embrace the art of saying “no” to activities that don’t align with your goals or well-being.

  4. Embrace Minimalism: Minimalism isn’t just about reducing material possessions; it’s about simplifying all aspects of life. Focus on quality over quantity, whether it’s in your wardrobe, your social interactions, or your experiences. Less can often mean more when it comes to enjoying life.

  5. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness helps us stay present and appreciate the moment. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as meditation, deep breathing, or simply paying attention to your surroundings. This practice enhances your ability to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

  6. Cultivate Gratitude: Focusing on what you have, rather than what you lack, can shift your perspective and increase your sense of fulfillment. Keep a gratitude journal or take a few moments each day to reflect on the positives in your life.

  7. Find Joy in Simple Pleasures: Rediscover the joy in simple activities. Whether it’s a walk in nature, a homemade meal, or a heartfelt conversation with a friend, these moments can be incredibly fulfilling. Embrace and celebrate the small, everyday experiences that bring you happiness.

  8. Disconnect to Reconnect: In an age of constant connectivity, it’s important to unplug and disconnect from digital distractions. Set aside time to unplug from technology and reconnect with yourself and those around you. This break can rejuvenate your spirit and enhance your enjoyment of life.

  9. Focus on Experiences: Invest in experiences rather than things. Create memories through activities such as traveling, attending events, or exploring new hobbies. Experiences often provide more lasting satisfaction and joy than material possessions.

  10. Simplify Your Goals: Set clear, attainable goals that reflect your values and passions. Avoid overcomplicating your objectives and instead, break them down into manageable steps. Achieving these simpler goals can lead to a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Real-Life Examples of Simplicity Leading to Fulfillment

  1. The Joy of a Simple Life: Many people have found happiness by embracing a simpler lifestyle. For instance, individuals who downsize their homes or adopt minimalist lifestyles often report feeling more content and less stressed.

  2. Travel Adventures: Travelers who choose to explore new destinations with minimal planning and a focus on spontaneous experiences often find themselves having the most memorable and enjoyable adventures.

  3. Mindful Living: Practitioners of mindfulness and meditation often experience greater peace and fulfillment. By simplifying their mental and emotional processes, they achieve a deeper connection with themselves and their surroundings.

Be in touch with heart - mindfullness and virtues

Keeping it simple isn’t about denying the complexities of life; it’s about finding joy and fulfillment by focusing on what truly matters. By embracing simplicity, we create space for clarity, reduce stress, and enhance our ability to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. The time of your life is often found in the moments of simplicity—where you can fully engage with the present and appreciate the beauty of everyday experiences.

So, take a step back and evaluate where you can simplify your life. Embrace the beauty of simplicity and watch as it transforms your daily experiences into a more meaningful and enjoyable journey.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Embracing the Power of Gratitude: Transform Your Life One Thank You at a Time

Join our gratitude project and see the positive shift in your life and others.

Image courtesy of

In a world that constantly propels us forward with its hustle and bustle, it's easy to overlook the simple, yet profound practice of gratitude. We often get caught up in chasing the next goal, the next achievement, or the next big thing, but taking a moment to appreciate what we already have can be transformative. Let's delve into why gratitude is more than just a polite expression and how it can fundamentally change our lives for the better.

What Is Gratitude?

At its core, gratitude is the practice of recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives. It's not just about saying "thank you" when someone does something nice for us; it's about cultivating a mindset that acknowledges the goodness in life, even amidst challenges.

The Science Behind Gratitude

Research has shown that gratitude can have a profound impact on our well-being. Studies reveal that regularly practicing gratitude can:

  • Enhance Emotional Health: Grateful individuals are less likely to experience depression and anxiety. They tend to have a more positive outlook on life and are better equipped to handle stress.

  • Improve Relationships: Expressing gratitude strengthens our relationships. When we show appreciation, we foster trust and closeness with others, creating a more supportive and fulfilling social network.

  • Boost Physical Health: People who practice gratitude often report fewer symptoms of illness and a greater sense of overall health. Gratitude encourages a healthier lifestyle, including better sleep and more exercise.

  • Increase Self-Esteem: Gratitude helps combat negative self-perceptions. By focusing on what we have rather than what we lack, we build a more positive self-image.

How to Cultivate Gratitude in Your Daily Life

Cultivating gratitude doesn’t require grand gestures; it’s the small, consistent practices that make the difference. Here are some practical tips to help you integrate gratitude into your everyday routine:

  1. Keep a Gratitude Journal: Dedicate a few minutes each day to write down three things you’re grateful for. They can be big or small, from a supportive friend to a beautiful sunset. Over time, this simple practice can shift your focus from what’s missing to what’s abundant in your life.

  2. Express Thanks to Others: Don’t just think about what you’re grateful for—let people know. A heartfelt thank you note or a kind word can brighten someone’s day and strengthen your connection with them.

  3. Reflect on Challenges: Sometimes, it’s hard to see the silver lining during difficult times. However, reflecting on challenges and what you’ve learned or gained from them can foster a deeper sense of gratitude.

  4. Practice Mindfulness: Being present in the moment can help you appreciate the little things in life that often go unnoticed. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or mindful walking, can enhance your awareness of everyday blessings.

  5. Create Gratitude Rituals: Incorporate gratitude into your daily routines. Whether it’s a moment of reflection before meals, a bedtime gratitude ritual, or a weekly gratitude check-in with loved ones, establishing regular practices can help make gratitude a natural part of your life.

The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

Gratitude is not just a personal practice; it has the power to create a ripple effect in our communities. When we express appreciation, we inspire others to do the same. This collective shift towards gratitude can lead to a more compassionate and supportive society.

Imagine a world where everyone took a moment each day to recognize the goodness around them. The collective positivity could transform our interactions, our communities, and our world.

Start each day with gratitude

Gratitude is a simple yet profound practice that can significantly enhance our lives. By regularly acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of our existence, we not only improve our own well-being but also foster stronger connections with others and contribute to a more positive society.

So, take a deep breath, look around, and find something to be grateful for today. It could be the warmth of the sun, a kind gesture from a friend, or even a moment of quiet solitude. Embrace the power of gratitude, and watch as it transforms your life, one thank you at a time.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Discovering Your Core Values: The Foundation of a Fulfilled Life

Discovering and embracing your core values is a profound journey that can transform your life. By understanding what truly matters to you, you gain clarity, purpose, and direction. This self-awareness not only enhances your personal satisfaction but also helps you build stronger relationships and make more meaningful decisions.

In the quest for a meaningful and fulfilled life, understanding your core values is akin to finding a compass that guides you through the twists and turns of existence. Core values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that shape our behavior, decisions, and interactions with others. They serve as the bedrock upon which we build our lives, influencing everything from our career choices to our personal relationships. If you’ve ever felt lost or uncertain about your path, it might be because you’re not fully aligned with your core values. Here’s a guide to discovering and embracing them.

What Are Core Values?

Core values are the deeply held beliefs that drive your actions and decisions. They are intrinsic to who you are and often reflect what you consider most important in life. These values might include concepts such as honesty, loyalty, creativity, or compassion. Unlike temporary interests or goals, core values are enduring and shape the essence of your identity.

Why Knowing Your Core Values Matters

  1. Guidance in Decision-Making: When faced with choices, knowing your core values provides clarity. They act as a filter through which you can assess options, ensuring that your decisions are aligned with what you truly care about.

  2. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Understanding your core values helps you gain insight into what drives you. This self-awareness can lead to greater personal satisfaction and a more authentic life.

  3. Stronger Relationships: When you live according to your values, you attract people who share similar principles. This alignment fosters deeper, more meaningful connections and helps you build supportive relationships.

  4. Increased Resilience: Core values provide a sense of purpose and direction. During challenging times, they offer a foundation to stand on, helping you stay grounded and focused on what really matters.

How to Discover Your Core Values

Finding your core values is a journey of introspection and self-discovery. Here are some steps to help you uncover what truly matters to you:

  1. Reflect on Peak Experiences: Think about times in your life when you felt particularly fulfilled and happy. What were you doing? Who were you with? What aspects of those experiences were meaningful to you? These moments can offer clues to your core values.

  2. Identify Role Models: Consider people you admire or look up to. What qualities or values do they embody that resonate with you? Analyzing the traits you respect in others can help you pinpoint your own values.

  3. Examine Your Passions: What activities or causes ignite a sense of purpose and enthusiasm in you? Passion often aligns with core values. For instance, if you’re passionate about helping others, values like empathy or service might be central to your identity.

  4. Consider Your Principles: Reflect on what you believe is fundamentally right or wrong. Your moral compass and ethical beliefs are often closely tied to your core values.

  5. Write a Values List: Create a list of potential values and see which ones resonate with you. You might start with a broad list—such as honesty, respect, creativity, or achievement—and narrow it down to the ones that feel most authentic.

  6. Engage in Self-Discovery Activities: Journaling, meditation, and other reflective practices can provide insight into your values. Set aside time for self-reflection and let your thoughts and feelings guide you.

  7. Seek Feedback: Sometimes, others can offer valuable perspectives. Ask friends, family, or mentors what they perceive as your core strengths and values. Their insights might reveal aspects of yourself you hadn’t fully recognized.

Aligning Your Life with Your Core Values

Once you’ve identified your core values, it’s important to align your life with them. Here’s how to make sure your daily actions and decisions reflect your core values:

  1. Set Value-Based Goals: Align your personal and professional goals with your core values. If one of your values is sustainability, for example, consider setting goals that contribute to environmental conservation.

  2. Evaluate Your Choices: Before making decisions, ask yourself if they align with your core values. This can help you make choices that feel right and are in harmony with who you are.

  3. Create a Values Statement: Draft a personal values statement that articulates your core values and how you intend to live by them. This statement can serve as a reminder and motivation to stay true to your principles.

  4. Assess Your Environment: Surround yourself with people, environments, and activities that reflect and support your values. This alignment can enhance your sense of belonging and fulfillment.

  5. Practice Consistency: Strive to consistently act in ways that honor your core values. It’s not always easy, but being true to yourself fosters integrity and authenticity.

Explore and apply your values.

Discovering and embracing your core values is a profound journey that can transform your life. By understanding what truly matters to you, you gain clarity, purpose, and direction. This self-awareness not only enhances your personal satisfaction but also helps you build stronger relationships and make more meaningful decisions.

Take the time to explore and reflect on your values. They are the foundation upon which a fulfilling and authentic life is built. As you align your actions with your core values, you’ll find a deeper sense of purpose and a greater connection to the life you aspire to live.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Embracing Change: Navigating Life’s Only Constant with Grace and Resilience

Change is indeed the only constant in life, and while it can be daunting, it also offers opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing change with a positive mindset, staying flexible, and seeking support, we can navigate life’s transitions with grace and resilience. Remember, each change is a chance to learn, grow, and move closer to the person you aspire to be.

Change is often described as the only constant in life, and for good reason. From the ebb and flow of seasons to the shifting tides of technology and society, change is a relentless force that touches every aspect of our existence. While it can be unsettling or even overwhelming, embracing change with an open mind and heart can lead to personal growth, resilience, and fulfillment. Here’s a closer look at why change is inevitable and how to navigate it with grace and resilience.

The Nature of Change

Change is an inherent part of life. It manifests in various forms—whether it’s the transition from childhood to adulthood, career shifts, evolving relationships, or the rapid pace of technological advancements. These changes are often beyond our control, but our response to them is where we have the power to shape our experiences.

1. Change is Inevitable: Life is in a constant state of flux. Just as the seasons change, so do our circumstances, desires, and environments. Accepting this fundamental truth helps us prepare for and adapt to the transitions that come our way.

2. Change Can Be Positive or Negative: Not all change is unwelcome. While some changes might bring challenges or discomfort, others offer opportunities for growth and improvement. The key is to focus on how we can harness the positive aspects of change and mitigate the negative.

3. Change Drives Growth: Personal and professional growth often stem from periods of change. New experiences, challenges, and perspectives push us out of our comfort zones and lead to self-discovery and development.

The Benefits of Embracing Change

  1. Fosters Resilience: By embracing change, we develop resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to new circumstances. Resilience is a valuable life skill that helps us navigate difficulties with greater ease and confidence.

  2. Encourages Flexibility: Flexibility is crucial in a world that is constantly evolving. Embracing change fosters a flexible mindset, allowing us to adapt more readily to new situations and opportunities.

  3. Opens Doors to Opportunities: Change often brings new opportunities that we might not have considered before. Whether it’s a new job, a different location, or a fresh perspective, change can introduce possibilities for growth and advancement.

  4. Promotes Personal Development: Facing and adapting to change can lead to significant personal development. It encourages us to learn new skills, challenge our beliefs, and expand our horizons.

Strategies for Navigating Change

  1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat. This mindset encourages curiosity and resilience.

  2. Stay Present: When faced with change, it’s easy to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past. Practicing mindfulness and staying present helps you manage anxiety and respond to change more effectively.

  3. Seek Support: Change can be challenging, and it’s important to lean on your support network. Share your experiences and seek advice from friends, family, or mentors who can offer guidance and encouragement.

  4. Set Realistic Goals: Break down large changes into manageable steps and set realistic goals for yourself. This approach helps you stay focused and motivated, making the transition smoother.

  5. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during times of change. Acknowledge that it’s okay to feel uncertain or overwhelmed and give yourself permission to take breaks and practice self-care.

  6. Reflect and Adapt: Regularly reflect on your experiences and adapt your strategies as needed. This reflection helps you learn from each change and apply those lessons to future transitions.

Real-Life Examples of Embracing Change

  1. Career Transitions: Many successful professionals have navigated significant career changes, whether it’s shifting industries, starting their own businesses, or pursuing new roles. Embracing these transitions with an open mind has led to new opportunities and growth.

  2. Personal Transformation: People often undergo personal transformations, such as adopting healthier lifestyles, pursuing new passions, or overcoming challenges. These changes can lead to profound personal development and fulfillment.

  3. Technological Advancements: Technology is a prime example of constant change. Adapting to new tools and innovations can be daunting, but embracing these advancements can enhance productivity and open up new possibilities.


Change is indeed the only constant in life, and while it can be daunting, it also offers opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing change with a positive mindset, staying flexible, and seeking support, we can navigate life’s transitions with grace and resilience. Remember, each change is a chance to learn, grow, and move closer to the person you aspire to be.

So, the next time you find yourself facing change, embrace it as a part of life’s journey. Approach it with curiosity and openness, and trust that you have the strength and adaptability to thrive amidst the ever-changing tides of existence.

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Renata Ogayar Renata Ogayar

Rediscovering Yourself: A Journey Back to Your True Self

Sometimes we need to walk many paths to find ourselves again

Life is constanty changing and so are we. Do you ever stop to think “how did my younger self know me better?”. It’s easy to lose sight of who we truly are. Whether it’s due to the demands of work, the pressures of relationships, family life, or the relentless pursuit of societal expectations, we can find ourselves feeling disconnected from our core selves. Rediscovering who you are is a deeply personal and transformative journey that can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life. If you’re feeling lost or uncertain about your identity, here’s a guide to help you find yourself again.

Why We Lose Ourselves

Life’s complexities and challenges can sometimes lead us away from our true selves. Here are a few reasons why this happens:

  1. External Pressures: Societal expectations, family obligations, and career demands can shape our choices and behaviors, often leading us to neglect our own desires and values.

  2. Routine and Complacency: Repeating the same routines and habits can create a sense of monotony, causing us to drift away from what truly resonates with us.

  3. Trauma and Change: Significant life events, such as loss, trauma, or major transitions, can shake our sense of identity and leave us feeling disconnected from who we once were.

  4. Self-Doubt and Comparison: Constantly comparing ourselves to others or doubting our own worth can erode our sense of self and lead us to question our true identity.

Steps to Rediscover Yourself

  1. Pause and Reflect: Take a break from your daily routine and create space for introspection. This could be through a weekend getaway, a quiet afternoon at home, or a meditation retreat. Use this time to reflect on your life, values, and aspirations.

  2. Reconnect with Your Passions: Revisit activities and interests that once brought you joy. Whether it’s painting, hiking, writing, or dancing, engaging in your passions can reignite a sense of fulfillment and remind you of what makes you unique.

  3. Journal Your Thoughts: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can provide clarity and insight into your inner self. Consider journaling about your past experiences, current desires, and future goals. Reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself through this process.

  4. Identify Your Core Values: Your core values are the guiding principles that define who you are. Spend time identifying what matters most to you—whether it’s integrity, creativity, or compassion. Aligning your actions with these values can help you reconnect with your true self.

  5. Set Personal Goals: Establishing meaningful goals that reflect your passions and values can help you stay focused and motivated. These goals should be aligned with who you are and what you want to achieve, not just what is expected of you.

  6. Seek New Experiences: Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things can provide fresh perspectives and insights into your true self. Travel, learn a new skill, or take up a new hobby to discover different aspects of your personality.

  7. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness and meditation can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and desires. These practices encourage self-awareness and can guide you back to your authentic self.

  8. Surround Yourself with Supportive People: The people you choose to be around can influence your sense of self. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and support you, and who encourage you to be true to yourself.

  9. Embrace Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this journey. Rediscovering yourself can be a challenging process, and it’s important to approach it with patience and self-compassion.

  10. Celebrate Your Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones, no matter how small. Each step you take towards reconnecting with your true self is a significant achievement.

Real-Life Examples of Rediscovery

  1. Career Change: Many people have found themselves again by changing careers. A shift from a high-pressure job to a role that aligns with their passions can reignite their sense of purpose and fulfillment.

  2. Personal Transformation: Individuals who have faced personal challenges, such as health issues or relationship changes, often rediscover themselves through these experiences. They may find new strengths and perspectives that lead to a more authentic life.

  3. Creative Pursuits: Embracing creative outlets, like art or writing, has helped countless people reconnect with their inner selves. Creativity often serves as a powerful means of self-expression and discovery.

Take your time

Rediscovering yourself is a journey that requires time, reflection, and self-compassion. It involves reconnecting with your passions, values, and goals, and making choices that align with your true self. While the path to rediscovery can be challenging, it is also deeply rewarding. As you navigate this journey, remember that finding yourself again is not about becoming someone new but about peeling away the layers to reveal the person you’ve always been.

Embrace the process with an open heart and mind. Each step you take brings you closer to a more authentic and fulfilling life, where you can truly be yourself and live in alignment with your deepest values and desires.

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